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Mgr. Michal LEHNERT, Ph.D. – publications

Journals included in the Web of Science

Lehnert, M., Jirmus, R., Květoňová, V., Geletič, J., Jurek, M., Středová, H., Frajer, J. (2024): Overheated children's playgrounds in Central European cities: The effects of surfaces and shading on thermal exposure during hot summer days. Urban Climate 55, 101873. [link]

Květoňová, V., Pánek, J., Geletič, J., Šimáček, P., Lehnert, M. (2024): Where is the heat threat in a city? Different perspectives on people-oriented and remote sensing methods: The case of Prague. Heliyon 10, 16, e36101. [link]

Lehnert, M., Pánek, J., Kopp, J., Geletič, J., Květoňová, V., Jurek, M. (2023): Thermal comfort in urban areas on hot summer days and its improvement through participatory mapping: A case study of two Central European cities. Landscape and Urban Planning 233, 104713. [link]

Lehnert, M., Geletič, J., Jurek, M. (2023): Tradiční a nové přístupy ke studiu tepelného prostředí člověka ve městě: kritické shrnutí současného stavu poznání. Geografie 128, 3, 351–377. [link]

Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Resler, J., Krč, P., Bureš, M., Urban, A., Krayenhoff E.S. (2023): Heat exposure variations and mitigation in a densely populated neighborhood during a hot day: Towards a people-oriented approach to urban climate management. Building and Environment 242, 110564. [link]

Křištofová, K., Lehnert, M., Martinát, S., Tokar, V., Opravil, Z. (2022): Adaptation to climate change in the eastern regions of the Czech Republic: An analysis of the measures proposed by local governments. Land Use Policy 114, 105949. [link]

Jurek, M., Frajer, J., Fiedor, D., Brhelová, J., Hercik, J., Jáč, M., Lehnert, M. (2022): Knowledge of global climate change among Czech students and its influence on their beliefs in the efficacy of mitigation action. Environmental Education Research 28, 8, 1126-1143. [link]

Lehnert, M., Tokar, V., Jurek, M., Geletič, J. (2021): Summer thermal comfort in Czech cities: measured effects of blue and green features in city centres. International Journal of Biometeorology 65, 8, 1277–1289. [link]

Lehnert, M., Geletič, J., Kopp, J., Brabec, M., Jurek, M., Pánek, J. (2021): Comparison between mental mapping and land surface temperature in two Czech cities: A new perspective on indication of locations prone to heat stress. Building and Environment 203, 108090.  [link]

Lehnert, M., Brabec, M., Jurek, M., Tokar, V., Geletič, J. (2021): The role of blue and green infrastructure in thermal sensation in public urban areas: A case study of summer days in four Czech cities. Sustainable Cities and Society 66, 102683. [link]

Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Jurek, M. (2020): Spatiotemporal variability of air temperature during a heat wave in real and modified landcover conditions: Prague and Brno (Czech Republic). Urban Climate 31, 100588. [link]

Lehnert, M., Fiedor, D., Frajer, J., Hercik, J., Jurek, M. (2020): Czech students and mitigation of global warming: beliefs and willingness to take action. Environmental Education Research 26, 6, 864–889. [link]

Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Savić, S., Milošević, D. (2018): Modelled spatiotemporal variability of outdoor thermal comfort in local climate zones of the city of Brno, Czech Republic. Science of the Total Environment 624, 385–395. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.076. [link]

Lehnert, M., Geletič, J., Dobrovolný, P., Jurek, M. (2018): Temperature differences among local climate zones established by mobile measurements in two central European cities. Climate Research 75, 53–64. DOI: 10.3354/cr01508. [link]

Geletič, J., Lehnert, M. (2016): GIS-based delineation of local climate zones: The case of medium-sized Central European cities. Moravian Geographical Reports 24, 3, 2–12. [link]

Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Dobrovolný, P. (2016): Land Surface Temperature Differences within Local Climate Zones, Based on Two Central European Cities. Remote Sensing 8, 10, 788. DOI: 10.3390/rs8100788 [link]

Lehnert, M., Geletič, J., Husák, J., Vysoudil, M. (2015): Urban field classification by "local climate zones" in a medium-sized Central European city: the case of Olomouc (Czech Republic). Theoretical and Applied Climatology 122, 3, 531–541. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-014-1309-6. [link]

Lehnert, M., Vysoudil, M., Kladivo, P. (2015): Semi-stationary measurement as a tool to refine understanding of the soil temperature spatial variability. International Agrophysics 29, 4, 449–457. [link]

Klapka, P., Erlebach, M., Král, O., Lehnert, M., Mička, T. (2013): The footfall of shopping centres in Olomouc (Czech Republic): An application of the gravity model. Moravian Geographical Reports 21, 3, 12–26. [link]

Lehnert, M. (2013): The Soil Temperature Regime in the Urban and Suburban Landscapes of Olomouc, Czech Republic. Moravian Geographical Reports 21, 3, 27–36. [link]

Journals included in the Scopus database

Lehnert, M., Šimáček, P., Fiedor, D., Jurek, M. (2021): Spatial variability of soil temperature in an urban area: a case study for a medium-sized European city. Geographia Pannonica 25, 1, 1–9. [link]

Arsenović, D., Lehnert, M., Fiedor, D., Šimáček, P., Středová, H., Středa, T., Savic, S. (2019): Heat-waves and mortality in Czech cities: A case study for the summers of 2015 and 2016. Geographica Pannonica 23(3): 162–172. DOI: 10.5937/gp23-22853 [link]

Lehnert, M., Kubeček, J., Geletič, J., Jurek, M., Frajer, J. (2018): Identifying hot and cool spots in the city centre based on bicycle measurements: the case of Olomouc, Czech Republic. Geographia Pannonica 22, 4, 230–240. DOI: 10.5937/gp22-19750. [link]

Vysoudil, M., Lehnert, M., Kladivo, P. (2016): Heat Stress in the Urban and Suburban Landscape and its Spatial Differentiation Through the Example of a Medium-Sized City. Dela 46, 163–182. [link]

Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Dobrovolný, P. (2016): Modelled spatio-temporal variability of air temperature in an urban climate and its validation: A case study of Brno, Czech Republic. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65, 2, 169–180. [link]

Other peer-reviewed scientific journals

Geletič, J., Lehnert, M. (2017): Místní klimatické zóny a jejich význam ve městech České republiky. Urbanismus a územní rozvoj 20, 2, 9-16.

Lehnert, M. (2014): Factors affecting soil temperature as limits of spatial interpretation and simulation of soil temperature. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Geographica 45, 1, 5–21. [link]


Středová, H., Fuková, P., Lehnert, M., Rožnovský, J., Středa, T. (2014): Teplota půdy (Práce a studie ČHMÚ, sešit 36). Praha: Český hydrometeorologický ústav.

Vysoudil, M., Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Lipina, P., Pavelková Chmelová, R., Řepka, M. (2012): Podnebí Olomouce. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.

Chapters in monographs

Létal, A., Lehnert, M. (2015): Fyzickogeografická charakteristika zájmového území. In Ptáček, P., Opravil, Z., Roubínek, P. eds.: Aktuální výzvy pro strategii rozvoje česko-polského pohraničí: Případová studie příhraničí euroregionu Praděd (Geographia Moravica 4). Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 15–23. [link]


Geletič, J., Dobrovolný, P., Lehnert, M. (2017): Statistical analyses of Land Surface Temperature in Local Climate Zones: Case study of Brno and Prague (Czech Republic). In 2017 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), March 6–8, 2017, Dubai (UAE).

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