Palacký University Olomouc


RNDr. Bohumil FRANTÁL, Ph.D.

Bohumil Frantál

senior lecturer
office 2.019
tel. (+420) 777 648 808
consultation hours: only around the time of classes
Česky| ResearchGate | ResearcherID | ORCID


Full-time form – in Czech

Energie, krajina, udržitelnost: úvod do geografie energie KGG/EKU
Environmentální sociologie KGG/EES
Práce s informacemi a akademické psaní KGG/PIAP

Part-time form – in Czech

Energie, krajina, udržitelnost: úvod do geografie energie KGG/DEKU
Environmentální sociologie KGG/DES
Práce s informacemi a akademické psaní KGG/DPIAP

Supervised theses

Bachelor theses: defended | in progress (STAG)
Master theses: defended | in progress (STAG)


List of recent publications (since the year 2019):

Journals included in the Web of Science

Pasqualetti, M. J., Frantál, B. (2022): The evolving energy landscapes of coal: Windows on the past and influences on the future. Moravian Geographical Reports 30, 4, 228–236. [link]

Frantál, B., Dvořák, P. (2022): Reducing energy poverty in deprived regions or supporting new developments in metropolitan suburbs? Regional differences in the use of subsidies for home energy efficiency renovations. Energy Policy 171, 113250. [link]

Kulla, M., Novotný, L., Pregi, L., Dvořák, P., Martinát, S., Klusáček, P., Navrátil, J., Krejčí, T., Frantál, B. (2022): The good, the bad, and the nobody: Exploring diversity of perceptions of anaerobic digestion plants in Central and Eastern Europe. Energy Research & Social Science 89, 102644.  [link]

Martinát, S., Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J., Kulla, M., Navrátil, J., Klusáček, P., Dvořák, P., Novotný, L., Krejčí, T., Pregi, L., Trojan, J., Frantál, B. (2022): Best practice forever? Dynamics behind the perception of farm-Fed anaerobic digestion plants in rural peripheries. Energies 15, 7, 2533. [link]

Frantál, B., Frajer, J., Martinát, S., Brisudová, L. (2022): The curse of coal or peripherality? Energy transitions and the socioeconomic transformation of Czech coal mining and post-mining regions. Moravian Geographical Reports 30, 4, 237–256.  [link]

Klapka, P., Ellegård, K., Frantál, B. (2020): What about Time-Geography in the post-Covid-19 era? Moravian Geographical Reports 28(4): 238–247. [link]

Frantál, B., Klapka, P., Nováková, E. (2020): When home becomes a cage: Daily activities, space-time constraints, isolation and the loneliness of older adults in urban environments. Moravian Geographical Reports 28(4): 322–337. [link]

Frantál, B., Klapka, P. (2020): Exploring the nexus between place of residence, daily activity patterns, and the socio‐spatial isolation of mothers on parental leave. Area 52(2): 401–410. [link]

Šašinka, P., Kunc, J., Frantál, B., Dvořák, Z. (2019): Cooperation differs. Intentions of municipalities towards metropolitan cooperation in post-socialist space–Brno, Czech Republic. European Planning Studies 27, 4, 818–840. [link]