RNDr. Martin JUREK, Ph.D.

senior lecturer
office 2.016
tel.: (+420) 585 634 508, (+420) 775 772 318
e-mail: martin.jurek@upol.cz
consultation hours: Tuesday 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
Česky | ResearchGate | ResearcherID | ORCID
Full-time form – in Czech
Geografie Německa a Rakouska KGG/GNR
Globální klimatická změna KGG/GLOZ
Klimatická změna a Evropa KGG/KZE
Ochrana ovzduší KGG/OCHO
Planetární geografie KGG/PLG
Regionální geografie Evropy KGG/EVRO
Seminář z regionální geografie Evropy KGG/SREV
Terénní cvičení z fyzické geografie KGG/TCFG
Zahraniční geografická exkurze KGG/ZGEX
Full-time form – in English
Field trip to a foreign country KGG/QZGEX
Geography of climate change KGG/QCLIC
Regional geography of Central Europe KGG/QRGCE
Part-time form – in Czech
Geografie Německa a Rakouska KGG/DGNR
Ochrana ovzduší KGG/DOCHO
Planetární geografie KGG/DPLG
Regionální geografie Evropy KGG/DEVRO
Seminář z regionální geografie Evropy KGG/DSREV
Supervised theses
Bachelor theses: defended | in-progress (STAG)
Master theses: defended | in-progress (STAG)
Přehled publikací za posledních 5 let (od roku 2020):
Journals included in the Web of Science
Lehnert, M., Jirmus, R., Květoňová, V., Geletič, J., Jurek, M., Středová, H., Frajer, J. (2024): Overheated children's playgrounds in Central European cities: The effects of surfaces and shading on thermal exposure during hot summer days. Urban Climate 55, 101873. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2024.101873 [link]
Lehnert, M., Pánek, J., Kopp, J., Geletič, J., Květoňová, V., Jurek, M. (2023): Thermal comfort in urban areas on hot summer days and its improvement through participatory mapping: A case study of two Central European cities. Landscape and Urban Planning 233, 104713. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2023.104713 [link]
Lehnert, M., Geletič, J., Jurek, M. (2023): Tradiční a nové přístupy ke studiu tepelného prostředí člověka ve městě: kritické shrnutí současného stavu poznání. Geografie 128, 3, 351–377. https://doi.org/10.37040/geografie.2023.012 [link]
Jurek, M., Frajer, J., Fiedor, D., Brhelová, J., Hercik, J., Jáč, M., Lehnert, M. (2022): Knowledge of global climate change among Czech students and its influence on their beliefs in the efficacy of mitigation action. Environmental Education Research 28, 8, 1126-1143. https://doi.org./10.1080/13504622.2022.2086687 [link]
Lehnert, M., Tokar, V., Jurek, M., Geletič, J. (2021): Summer thermal comfort in Czech cities: measured effects of blue and green features in city centres. International Journal of Biometeorology 65, 8, 1277–1289. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-020-02010-y [link]
Lehnert, M., Geletič, J., Kopp, J., Brabec, M., Jurek, M., Pánek, J. (2021): Comparison between mental mapping and land surface temperature in two Czech cities: A new perspective on indication of locations prone to heat stress. Building and Environment 203, 108090. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108090 [link]
Lehnert, M., Brabec, M., Jurek, M., Tokar, V., Geletič, J. (2021): The role of blue and green infrastructure in thermal sensation in public urban areas: A case study of summer days in four Czech cities. Sustainable Cities and Society 66, 102683. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102683 [link]
Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Jurek, M. (2020): Spatiotemporal variability of air temperature during a heat wave in real and modified landcover conditions: Prague and Brno (Czech Republic). Urban Climate 31, 100588. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2020.100588 [link]
Lehnert, M., Fiedor, D., Frajer, J., Hercik, J., Jurek, M. (2020): Czech students and mitigation of global warming: beliefs and willingness to take action. Environmental Education Research 26, 6, 864–889. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2019.1694140 [link]
Journals included in the Scopus database
Lehnert, M., Šimáček, P., Fiedor, D., Jurek, M. (2021): Spatial variability of soil temperature in an urban area: a case study for a medium-sized European city. Geographia Pannonica 25, 1, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.5937/gp25-29415 [link]
Chapters in monographs
Szczyrba, Z., Smolová, I., Jurek, M., Fiedor, D. (2021). The university as the creative hub: the case of the city of Olomouc after 1989. In Cudny, W., Kunc, J. (eds): Growth and change in post-socialist cities of Central Europe. London: Routledge, 30-47. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003039792-3 [link]
Mgr. (M.Sc.)
Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Science (study programme: teaching mathematics and geography; diploma thesis: Terminologický a výkladový slovník dálkového průzkumu [Terminological and explanatory dictionary of remote sensing])
University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science (doctoral study programme: environmental geography; dissertation thesis: Kvalita ovzduší v okrese Olomouc a vývoj znečištění atmosféry v období 1981–1990 a 1991–2000 jako odezva na strukturální změny v průmyslu [Air quality in the Olomouc district and trends of atmospheric pollution in 1981-1990 and 1991-2000 as a response to structural changes in industry])
University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science
Professional interests
Planetary geography, climatology, and air conservation.