Mgr. Matěj WAGNER
doctoral candidate in Regional geography
office 2.024
tel. (+420) 585 634 595
consultation hours: Thursday 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Česky | ORCID
Full-time form – in Czech
Seminář z geomorfologie KGG/SEGM
Seminář z hydrologie KGG/SEHY
Statistické metody v geografii 2 KGG/STM2
Terénní cvičení z fyzické geografie KGG/TCFG
Zdroje geografických dat a metody jejich zpracování KGG/ZDAT
Part-time form – in Czech
Statistické metody v geografii 2 KGG/DSTM2
Bc. (B.Sc.)
Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Science (field of study: Regional Geography; bachelor thesis: Historical and contemporary water management objects in the upper reaches of the catchment of the Úpa river)
Mgr. (M.Sc.)
Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Science (field of study: Geography and Regional Development; master thesis: The analysis of water management in a landscape in the selected municipalities in Hradec Králové region)
since 2023
Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Science (doctoral study programme Geography, field of study: Regional Geography; topic of dissertation: Urban greenspace as activity timespace, supervisor: doc. Mgr. Pavel Klapka, Ph.D.)