Palacký University Olomouc


Historical landscape

Okolí Olomouce na mapě I. vojenského mapování

In recent years, research into the forms and functioning of historical landscapes has been largely accenuated in the scientific fields dealing with landscape and its individual elements. It facilitates inspiration for solutions of the current issues in the landscape (drought, agricultural soil erosion, biodevirsity loss etc.), and at the same time, using the knowlede on long-term development, to model scenarios of future development of the landscape and of its use. It is also important to identify segments of landscape requiring special attention with respect to their importance as items of cultural heritage.

At the department of geography we focus on a long-term basis to the research into elements of historical landscape related to water management, historical path and road networks, or specific forms of land use. We intend to advance the methods of research of historical landscape – focusing namely on historical and old maps or cadastres and the possibilities of their processing using geoinformation systems (so called historical GIS) and also by means of field research, which we complement with methods of remote sensing and geophysical research (georadar, electromagnetic measurements, drones).

Persons involved from the department of geography

Former team members


Current projects

Closed projects


Monographs and popularising texts, web presentations

Pavelková, R., Frajer, J., Netopil, P. a kol. (2014): Historické rybníky České republiky: srovnání současnosti se stavem v 2. polovině 19. století. Praha : Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka, v.v.i., 167 s.

Rozkošný, M., Pavelková, R., David, V. a kol. (2015): Zaniklé rybníky v České republice – případové studie potenciálního využití území. Praha: Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka, v.v.i., 155 s.

Borský, J., Hendrych, J., Jech, D., Létal, A., Malá, E., Obdržálek, J., Vorel, I., Žlebčík, J. (2015): Metodika mapování, evidence, dokumentace, péče a ochrany významných alejí Čech a jejich dřevin. Ministerstvo kultury. 185 s.

Martínek, J., Létal, A., Miřijovský, J., Šlézar, P., Vích, D., Kalábek, M. (2014): Poznáváme historické cesty – Discovering historical roads, Centrum Dopravního Výzkumu, Brno, 238 s.

Mapa historických rybníků

Mapa historických cest Čech, Moravy a Slezska

Publications on the topic (latest or most important)

Frajer, J., Pavelková, R., Létal, A., Kopp, J. (2020): Relics and transformation of former ponds in the urban environment of the historical region of Bohemia (Czech Republic). Journal of Maps, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2020.1819900

Frajer, J. (2019): Josefský katastr jako zdroj geografických informací o historické krajině. Geografie, 124(3), s. 315–339. DOI: 10.37040/geografie2019124030315

Létal, A. et al. (2018): New approaches to studies of extinct ponds. in: Svobodová, h. (ed.): Useful geography: Transfer from research to practice. 25th Central European Conference. Brno 12.-13.10.2017, pp. 203-215.

Havlíček, M., Skokanová, H., Dostál, I., Vymazalova, M., Pavelková, R., Petrovič, F. (2018): The consequences of establishing military training areas for land use development-A case study of Libava, Czech Republic. Land use policy,73, pp. 84-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.01.039

Frajer, J., Fiedor, D. (2018): Discovering extinct water bodies in the landscape of Central Europe using toponymic GIS. Moravian Geographical Reports, 26(2), pp. 121-134. DOI: 10.2478/mgr-2018-0010

Pavelková, R., Frajer, J., Havlíček M. et al. (2016) Historical ponds of the Czech republic: an example of the interpretation of historic maps. Journal of Maps 12 (1), pp. 551-559. DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2016.1203830

Historická krajina