Urban climate
The Department of Geography of the Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc is one of the departments with the longest history of systematic research into the topic of urban climate in the Czech Republic. Regarding the manisfestations of climate change, research into urban climate has been gaining importance and has become object of study at many geographic departments internationally.
The study of urban climate began at our department with a basic research project of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (2009–2013), which founded the Metropolitan station network Olomouc (MESSO), functional up to the present day. The first measurement outputs within this network provided essential information on the mechanisms on the development and manifestations of urban climate in the case of the city of Olomouc. The station network provides operational data on weather and climatological data for selected locations of the city of Olomouc. It has also become part of MEMWACS – Metropolitan Meteorological Warning And Control System.
In recent years we have successfully dealt with research into local climate zones (LCZ), with numerous publications in both national and international academic journals. We also study the surface temperature of urban structures (artificial surfaces, buildings, vegetation) and the influence of urban climate on the health of population. In the context of adaptation to climate change we focus on the analysis of the influence of individual features of blue and green infrastructure on thermal comfort and the resulting heat stress in the city and its perception by the inhabitants of the city.
Persons involved from the department of geography
- doc. Mgr. Michal Lehnert, Ph.D.
- doc. RNDr. Miroslav Vysoudil, CSc.
- Mgr. Olga Halásová, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Martin Jurek, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Veronika Květoňová
- Mgr. Dominik Novotný
Previously involved persons
- Mgr. Jan Geletič
- Mgr. Jan Husák
- Mgr. Vladimír Tokar
- Mgr. Martin Tomáš
- Spatial analysis of selected environmental and societal issues in urban and suburban areas (IGA_PrF_2020_029). Duration: 2020.
- Identification of locations prone to thermal stress as a tool for sustainable planning of cities (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic – Programme for the support of applied research ZÉTA, TJ01000118). Duration: 2018–2019.
- Metropolitan Meteorological Warning And Control System (MEMWACS). Project University for the City. Duration: 2017.
- Urban climate in Central European cities and global climate change (Visegrad Fund standard grant No. 21410222). Realisation period: 2014–2016.
- Multi-level analysis of urban and suburban climate in the case of mid-sized cities. Czech Science Foundation. Duration: 2009–2013.
Published studies
Lehnert, M., Tokar, V., Jurek, M., Geletič, J. (2020): Summer thermal comfort in Czech cities: measured effects of blue and green features in city centres. International Journal of Biometeorology. DOI: 10.1007/s00484-020-02010-y
Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Jurek, M. (2020): Spatiotemporal variability of air temperature during a heat wave in real and modified landcover conditions: Prague and Brno (Czech Republic). Urban Climate 31, 100588. DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2020.100588
Bokwa, A., Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Žuvela-Aloise, M., Hollósi, B., Gál, T., ... & Walawender, J. P. (2019). Heat load assessment in Central European cities using an urban climate model and observational monitoring data. Energy and Buildings, 201, 53-69.
Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Savić, S., & Milošević, D. (2019). Inter-/intra-zonal seasonal variability of the surface urban heat island based on local climate zones in three central European cities. Building and Environment, 156, 21-32.
Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Dobrovolný, P., & Žuvela-Aloise, M. (2019). Spatial modelling of summer climate indices based on local climate zones: expected changes in the future climate of Brno, Czech Republic. Climatic Change, 152(3-4), 487-502.
Lehnert, M., Kubeček, J., Geletič, J., Jurek, M., Frajer, J. (2018): Identifying hot and cool spots in the city centre based on bicycle measurements: the case of Olomouc, Czech Republic. Geographia Pannonica 22, 4, 230–240. DOI: 10.5937/gp22-19750.
Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Savić, S., Milošević, D. (2018): Modelled spatiotemporal variability of outdoor thermal comfort in local climate zones of the city of Brno, Czech Republic. Science of the Total Environment 624, 385–395. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.076.
Lehnert, M., Geletič, J., Dobrovolný, P., Jurek, M. (2018): Temperature differences among local climate zones established by mobile measurements in two central European cities. Climate Research 75, 53–64. DOI: 10.3354/cr01508.
Geletič, J., Lehnert, M. (2017): Místní klimatické zóny a jejich význam ve městech České republiky. Urbanismus a územní rozvoj 20, 2, 9-16.
Geletič, J., Lehnert, M. (2016): GIS-based delineation of local climate zones: The case of medium-sized Central European cities. Moravian Geographical Reports 24, 3, 2–12.
Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Dobrovolný, P. (2016): Land Surface Temperature Differences within Local Climate Zones, Based on Two Central European Cities. Remote Sensing 8, 10, 788. DOI: 10.3390/rs8100788
Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Dobrovolný, P. (2016): Modelled spatio-temporal variability of air temperature in an urban climate and its validation: A case study of Brno, Czech Republic. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65, 2, 169–180.
Vysoudil, M., Lehnert, M., Kladivo, P. (2016): Heat Stress in the Urban and Suburban Landscape and its Spatial Differentiation Through the Example of a Medium-Sized City. Dela 46, 163–182.
Vysoudil, M. (2015): Urban space and climate: Introduction to the Special Issue. Moravian Geographical Reports, 23, 3, 2-7.
Lehnert, M., Geletič, J., Husák, J., Vysoudil, M. (2015): Urban field classification by "local climate zones" in a medium-sized Central European city: the case of Olomouc (Czech Republic). Theoretical and Applied Climatology 122, 3, 531–541. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-014-1309-6.
Geletič, J., Vysoudil, M. (2012): Analysis of Surface Temperatures in Urban and Suburban Landscape from Satellite Thermal Images: A Case Study of Olomouc and Its Environs, Czech Republic. Moravian Geographical Reports, 20, 1, 2-15.
Tomáš, M. (2012): Letní teploty 2010 a 2011 v Olomouci z pohledu teplotního komfortu člověka. Meteorologické zprávy 65 (12), 75–82.
Vysoudil, M., Ogrin, D. (2009): Portable infrared camera as a tool in topoclimatic research [Prenosna infrardeča kamera kot pripomoček pri topoklimatskem raziskovanju]. Dela, 31, 115-127.
Vysoudil, M. (2009): Classification of local climatic effects [Klasifikace místních klimatických efektů]. Geograficky Casopis, 61 (3), 229-241.
Vysoudil, M. et al. (2012): Podnebí Olomouce. Climate of Olomouc. Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc, 212 s.
Řepka, M., Lipina, P., Vysoudil, M. (2012): Historie a současnost meteorologických pozorování v Olomouci. Meteorologické zprávy 65, 5, 129-138.
Vysoudil, M., Tomáš, M. (2011): Teplotní a srážkové poměry Olomouce. Zprávy Vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci, 301, 69-91.
Sedlák, P., Prislinger, J., Vysoudil, M. (2010): Využití dat z družice LANDSAT pro detekci tepelného znečištění v městské a příměstské krajině. In Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice – Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration. 16. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2010, 264-278.
Středová, H., Bokwa, A., Dobrovolný, P., Krédl, Z., Krahula, L., Litschmann, T., Pokorný, R., Rožnovský, J., Středa, T., Vysoudil, M. (2011): Mikroklima a mezoklima měst, mikroklima porostů. 1. vyd. Praha: Český hydrometeorologický ústav. 102 s.
Vysoudil, M. (2010): Místní klimatické efekty: Výskyt a projevy v městské a krajině. Geographia Cassoviensis 4 (1), 176-179.
Jurek, M., Vysoudil, M. (2005): Summer Air Temperatures in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Olomouc (Czech Republic) in the Period 1961–2000. Dela 23, 245–258.